Shipping Terms
When your order has left the roastery, the following applies. If you have chosen a shipping method with tracking (Standard Post, DHL, UPS or FedEx), you will receive a tracking number.
If you experience any challenges with your delivery or want to make any changes in your delivery options, that must be done via either Standard Post, FedEx, DHL or UPS. When you reach out to them, please reference your tracking number. Please note that April won't be able to do this for you.
April doesn't take responsibility for the shipment, and we don't offer refunds due to the shipping company's mistakes. We also don't take responsibility for incorrect submitted shipping details from the buyer.
If your order was delivered to a third party and you are unable to get it back, we will refund the order.
If you have purchased a product without tracking or are in a country where tracking doesn't apply via Standard Post, we cannot give you any additional support.

Our Shipping Options
FedEx/UPS/DHL: We ask you to use your tracking number that was shared with you in the confirmation email of your order. We don't offer additional support unless FedEx or DHL clearly states that it's an issue that only the sender can resolve. We don't offer a refund.
Standard Post Tracked: We ask you to use your tracking number in conversation with Post Nord or your local Postal company. We don't offer additional support or a refund.
Standard Post Untracked: There is no support from us or the shipping company when you choose the untracked option.
Please note that we also don't take responsibility for any import fees or additional charges that might apply to the receiver.